I feel like if this were playing I'd at least feel slightly better going down the wrong path
I feel like if this were playing I'd at least feel slightly better going down the wrong path
dude to me this is the best game in HISTORY!!!!! dude i almost cried this game was my life
this takes me back to my n64 games when i wasn't hunting i would watch the characters talk about this horrid event and then start saying how because of this things would get better and the fight would continue 5 stars and fav
Awesome man, glad you could get such imagery out of the music. Thanks!
they need to turn the windmill into a huge temple with scary monsters and put this as the boss fight music that would make an epic game this is definitely a awesome piece of music
absolutely perfect the best thing going into my playlist (hope you don't mind i can always take it out) and the most perfect starfox remix i've ever heard send this to the owner cause they should do a new game just for this this is definitely going in my fav
dude you made my spine tingle you captured this techno song perfectly kudos friend you rock
Thank you that means alot haha
definitely no complaints but one question why did this pop up when i searched left 4 dead? i think personally this could make an excellent legend of zelda temple theme and would recomend you myself........well if i had any say in the matter......
it was way too short and a little dull don't get me wrong you hit the tune 100% on the money it just needs more push a little extra tune to get the spine tingling
Joined on 3/25/13